Brewery Sensors and Automation

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    Cleaning-in-Place (CIP)

    Cleaning and sanitization must be performed periodically at appropriate intervals. A typical CIP cycle consists of various steps, e. g. pre-rinse with purified water, flushes with caustics and acid solutions, intermediate and final rinse with purified water.
    Chemicals and detergents are sometimes used to enhance cleaning performance. Depending on the system, after each cleaning step the cleaning media is either routed to drain (lost CIP) or back to the storage tank for later re-use (batch CIP). Temperatures, flow rates and times are adapted to the system dimensions and the cleaning tasks. Hot cleaning regimes use hot caustic and/or hot water. In cold cleaning regimes all media have ambient temperature.
    We provide a large variety of CIP systems. They can be small and mobile single channel units, or large stationary multi-channel systems, including storage vessels of any size for cleaning media and rinse water recovery. CIP systems are designed by Centec in such a way that optimal cleaning results are ensured, with the lowest consumption of water, chemicals and energy. While one part of the plant is cleaned other areas can continue to produce product. Double seat valve technology prevents intermixing of product and cleaning media at any time.